The Shine of Your Japan, The Sparkle of Your China

(03 January, 2001)

I was tempted to make that "The Shino of Your Japan", but we'll get to that later.

As I said in the < href="biscuit022.html">Biscuit I'm currently writing (well, the one I was writing when I originally penned this paragraph), I have been reading Nigel Wood on Chinese Glazes, and getting lots of ideas. I am also continuing to work on the general issue of glazes for cone 9, because I now have an electric kiln, and will soon have two. (I just rebuilt the 23" L&L that Chris Daniel found a few months back, at the state surplus place. Once we have a circuit put in, I'll be able to run it.)

(Note, added on 28 February, 2001: It just barely fit within the capabilities of the existing circuit, so we didn't have to add anything. Works fine.)

I have tentatively decided to run this as a tree, with pages about various glaze families linked off this central trunk. Whether that works worth a damn I won't know until I try it for a while; please bear with me.

Glazes and Glaze-Families of Interest

(03 January, 2001 & 28 February, 2001)

Here's a list, containing most of the things I expect to discuss in this pageset.

There. I'll add some detail as time permits.

To My Journal.

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Last modified: Mon Jan 21 19:00:40 PST 2002